Vitamin D and COVID-19 misinformation

At the end of June 2020, various news outlets reported that taking vitamin D has no benefit for COVID-19. To see this for yourself, do an internet search with the following phrase: no evidence to support vitamin D for COVID-19. You will see that multiple articles appear in America and in the UK. The information originated in the National Health […]

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Stop your Joints, Muscles, and Bones from Rotting

Chronic inflammation is a popular topic today, but do people really understand what it is? And the answer is… NO. For this reason, I wrote a new book entitled The DeFlame Diet to Stop your Joints,Muscles,and Bones fromRotting. What is chronic inflammation? It is a low-grade, non-healing state that, over time, leads to tissue and organ degeneration. In common language, this […]

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The Superfood Myth

The term “superfood” has been used now for several years and is accepted by many people as factual – meaning that certain foods have super healthy benefits and without them, your body will suffer. This is far from an accurate characterization. Below is the list of the 10 top superfoods found on a pro-superfood website: Almonds Broccoli rabe Avocados Raw […]

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