Vitamin D and COVID-19 misinformation

At the end of June 2020, various news outlets reported that taking vitamin D has no benefit for COVID-19. To see this for yourself, do an internet search with the following phrase: no evidence to support vitamin D for COVID-19. You will see that multiple articles appear in America and in the UK. The information originated in the National Health […]

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The ALL meat diet

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In a certain sector of society that is interested in diet, the “all meat” or “carnivore” diet has emerged as a fad diet that is both embraced and criticized. Not surprisingly, those that embrace and criticize the all meat diet, are missing a couple of key points that need to be understood. Point 1 – For modern day people, it […]

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Impulse Control: For overeating and other vices

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Everyone knows that a lack of impulse control is why people overeat and indulge in other unhealthy vices. The problem for most people is that they do not understand the nature of the pleasure-driving impulses…that is, where the impulses come from and how to modulate their power, so the impulses are less compelling. Instead, most people “feel” and “believe” that […]

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