Why you should assure an adequate iodine intake

Iodine is most known for its relationship to the production of thyroid hormones. Not well known is that iodine also functions as a key antioxidant that protects cell membrane fatty acids from free radical attack. This is important for all cell membranes, however, in the context of disease risk, it is especially important for protection against breast cancer and prostate […]

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You can cure eczema with diet

Eczema is a very common condition in America; 7.2 % of adults have eczema, while 13% of children under the age of 18 suffer with this condition. In other words, multiple millions of adults and children suffer needlessly from eczema. People are essentially told that they have to learn to live with eczema, which allows for no hope of ever […]

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The Superfood Myth

The term “superfood” has been used now for several years and is accepted by many people as factual – meaning that certain foods have super healthy benefits and without them, your body will suffer. This is far from an accurate characterization. Below is the list of the 10 top superfoods found on a pro-superfood website: Almonds Broccoli rabe Avocados Raw […]

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