How the Coronavirus Infects Human Cells

The novel coronavirus that emerged in late 2019 called SARS-CoV-2 enters cells by binding to an enzyme called angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE2). I have noticed that this enzyme is referred to by many as the ACE2 receptor. You should understand that ACE2 is not a receptor, it is an enzyme. The primary function of ACE2 is to convert a pro-inflammatory […]

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The cumulative nature of chronic inflammation and what to do about it

Acute and chronic inflammation are very different things. Acute inflammation typically occurs in response to a traumatic or infectious event. It manifests as redness, swelling, heat, and pain, which means that acute inflammation is noticeable and obvious. In contrast, chronic inflammation can be silent for years before manifesting as pain, depression and chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and […]

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Stop your Joints, Muscles, and Bones from Rotting

Chronic inflammation is a popular topic today, but do people really understand what it is? And the answer is… NO. For this reason, I wrote a new book entitled The DeFlame Diet to Stop your Joints,Muscles,and Bones fromRotting. What is chronic inflammation? It is a low-grade, non-healing state that, over time, leads to tissue and organ degeneration. In common language, this […]

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The Game Changers’ Brutal Lies

More than likely you have heard about, or watched, a propaganda movie called The Game Changers. Many people have asked me about it and wanted my take on it. I reluctantly watched it because I figured it was just another propaganda hit piece on meat…and I was not surprised by the fact that it was absolutely a hit piece. What […]

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You can cure eczema with diet

Eczema is a very common condition in America; 7.2 % of adults have eczema, while 13% of children under the age of 18 suffer with this condition. In other words, multiple millions of adults and children suffer needlessly from eczema. People are essentially told that they have to learn to live with eczema, which allows for no hope of ever […]

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Calories matter – if you want to avoid obesity

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In recent years, many people have been convinced that counting calories is not necessary if you want to lose weight and then manage your weight properly. I do not understand this view; it is, in fact, quite foolish. Calories in food come from three macronutrients, which include carbohydrate, protein, and fat. We get about 4 calories for every gram of […]

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DeFlame Diet Guidelines

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The DeFlame Diet is actually a concept…it is not a specific rigid diet, and this is not a trivial semantic issue. Additionally, by embracing The DeFlame Diet concept, it can help you to better deal with the dietary challenges that we all face. What challenges am I referring to? Consider the fact that most people in America are overweight or obese, […]

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